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Our mission is to create art that is high quality and unique using stained glass and driftwood. We strive to meet or surpass the customer’s expectations. Dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction. We approach our job daily with passion and commitment.
Stained glass is a versatile medium and is not just for churches anymore. From the smallest glass sun catcher to the larger projects and windows we can guarantee a great collaboration between us and the customer, contractor or designer. Every project leaves our studio with a little piece of our heart. We aim for a lasting positive effect on the customer or recipient of our art. A smile will make our day.
We are known for our Tiffany style stained glass birds on a genuine beaver chewed driftwood base. These pieces are unique and original. No two will ever be exactly alike. Many of our driftwood mobiles and wind chimes are made using discarded and second hand jewelry along with scrap copper wire. Most of our shipping materials are reused as well. Our philosophy is to leave as little a footprint as possible during construction of our art. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Little Bear Lake, Saskatchewan