Two days ago the yard was drying up and the snow was basically forward to today and it looks like the middle of January. At least it is not cold.
Not much has been going on in the shop lately because I went and dislocated my shoulder a couple weeks ago. Nothing like a 2 hour drive to the ER at 10:00 at night. Thanks so much to my big brother and sister-n-law for driving me in. My mom had dislocated her hip 2x after her surgery so she was in no shape to drive me. The trials of living way hell and gone up north I guess.
I won't be taking any custom orders for about 6 weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience I hope to be able to use my arm sooner. I have a few new items listed today that were in progress. I guess this "time off" can be well spent working on some new pattern ideas.
Happy spring....haha take care. Talk soon.